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Setting of Road Traffic Marking

Release Time:2019-07-11 08:33:44 View:5911

Setting of Road Traffic Marking

1. Setting up lane edge line and lane demarcation line in first-class highway section

The first-class highway section is equipped with lane edge line and lane demarcation line with a width of 15 cm.

2. Two-way two-lane pavement center line

In general, the central line of the second-class highway with a width of more than 8.5m should be yellow dotted line, which is used to separate the traffic flow in opposite directions. To ensure safety, vehicles are allowed to overtake or turn left across the yellow center dotted line. For those sections that can not meet the requirements of sight distance for meeting vehicles and those crossing bridges, tunnels, villages, towns and villages, yellow central solid lines should be drawn with a line width of 15 cm, and 10 cm can be used when restricted by the width of the road surface.

The second-class highway with 7.0m pavement width should draw the center line of the pavement, yellow dashed line, and 10cm line width can be used. The yellow center solid line should be drawn in the sections that can not meet the requirements of sight distance for meeting vehicles and those crossing bridges, tunnels, townships, towns and villages.

Generally speaking, the third and fourth grade highways do not emphasize certain central line of pavement, but yellow central dotted line should be drawn as far as possible when conditions permit. Unless restricted by the width of the roadbed, yellow central solid lines should be drawn in sections that do not meet the requirements of sight distance for meeting vehicles and across bridges, tunnels, townships, towns and villages. Overtaking and crossing of vehicles should be prohibited. Linewidth can be 10 cm.

For the section with frequent collision accidents, if the pavement conditions permit, the width of the center line can be widened appropriately, but the maximum width should not exceed 30 cm.

In principle, the center line of the two-way lane road surface is drawn as a single line. In the following cases, it can be considered to draw a double line:

1. The width of the road surface is enough to regulate the driving of vehicles in the lane without intruding into the opposite lane (the distance between the two lanes is determined by the width of the road surface and the width of the lane);

2. Two-way overtaking is regulated differently. Overtaking is allowed in one direction and not in the other.

3. Edge Line of Traffic Roadway

The width of the non-motorized lane should be determined according to the type and traffic volume of the non-motorized Lane on the second-class highway with a width of more than 9 meters. The demarcation line between motor lane and non-motor Lane on the same cross-section (except physical isolation) should be regarded as the edge line of motor lane, and the solid white line should be drawn. White dotted lines can be drawn where the motor vehicle needs to cross the edge line. Line width is 15cm, and 10cm can be used when limited by road width.

IV. Facade Marking

In order to prevent collision, it is advisable to draw elevation marks on the end of piers or side walls of cross-line bridges, aqueducts, tunnel openings, toll Island heads or on the wall of safety islands on pedestrian crosswalks to remind drivers to pay attention to obstacles with high exit in or near the roadway.

V. Deceleration marking

Lateral Deceleration Marking of Road Section

There are generally two forms of lateral deceleration marking, one is set on the deceleration section, and the other is set before the starting point of the deceleration section. They have different marking forms, that is, marking width, spacing, array number and so on. Regardless of which one is set, attention should be paid to the anti-skid ability of the horizontal marking at least not less than that of the road surface, especially the lateral marking on the curved road.

Lateral deceleration marking is set on the section requiring deceleration. The width, spacing and number of markings remain unchanged, which only serves as a reminder to inform the driver of bad road conditions and should be decelerated. Line width 10 - 15 cm, interval 20 cm, 6 groups, set up every 30 - 50 m group.

Lateral deceleration marking is set before the starting point of deceleration section. It reminds the driver of the need to decelerate ahead, for example, before entering a crooked road in a continuous downhill section. The line width is 45 cm and the distance between two lines is 50 cm.

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